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6956 Ysg Pkgright E1531227013986


Yeti, Set, Go! Follows the Popular and Award-Winning Yeti in My Spaghetti Game as the Newest Way to Have a Mountain of Fun with Yetis!

BELOIT, Wis. (June 22, 2018) – Nothing makes a kids’ game more fun that tons of action and a bunch of cool characters, which is exactly what Yeti, Set, Go! is all about!

Yeti, Set, Go! is a follow-up to PlayMonster’s award-winning Yeti in My Spaghetti®! It takes the yeti theme to a whole new level, as this game features four different Yetis with four unique personalities! It’s fun for kids to decide which Yeti they’ll “be” for the game. Players and their Yeti are a team…a mean, lean kickin’ team!

There’s big, all-play action in Yeti, Set, Go! as Yetis are kicking meatballs onto a snowy mountain! Players make their Yeti kick the balls by boppin’ them on the head over and over and over! Skill comes in to play, too, because players can aim their Yetis by swiveling them back and forth. So, meatballs are flying all over, as players try to get them to land on all of the ledges in their side of the mountain! It’s a fun, fast-paced, action-packed game for ages 4+. No batteries required. Look for it on shelves this summer for an SRP of $24.99.


About PlayMonster LLC

Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun products such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti® and “TOTY Doll of the Year” Wonder Crew®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Mirari®, Farkle, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Automoblox®, Marbleocity®, Kid O® and Super Spinner® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.

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Lisa Wuennemann                                    Janis Van Tine  / Sarah Gumina
PlayMonster LLC                                      GennComm for PlayMonster LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 1275                         (818) 839-1461                    /
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PlayMonster Accelerates International Expansion

with Acquisition of Interplay


May 29, 2018 – BELOIT, Wis. – PlayMonster LLC has announced from the London International Toy Show for Distributors, DisToy, that the Company has acquired privately held, UK-based toy company, Interplay UK Ltd.

The companies have enjoyed a successful, strong partnership since 2016, when PlayMonster acquired a North American license for Interplay’s top-selling My Fairy Garden brand, which has enjoyed success in over 10 countries to date. Now PlayMonster, based in Wisconsin, has acquired Interplay’s operations and full brand portfolio. This opportunity builds on the natural fit between the two companies and creates real synergy through complementary brands and scale of resources. Both have been among the fastest growing companies in their respective territories over recent years, this new relationship will mean increased growth potential for both PlayMonster and Interplay in existing markets through new and incremental product categories. With the combined depth and breadth of resources from the two companies, the new business is expected to become a stronger performer in the worldwide marketplace. 

Bob Wann, Chief PlayMonster of PlayMonster LLC and Chairman of the US Toy Association, said, “This is PlayMonster’s first international acquisition and its largest acquisition to-date. This important step will strengthen the excellent team we have, as well as expedite the growth of PlayMonster and Interplay brands around the world. With Interplay becoming the first subsidiary, with an office and employees who will continue the business as usual from their headquarters in Marlow, it gives both companies and outstanding opportunity to grow their business globally.”

Ross Ainsworth, Founder at Interplay said, “Our team at Interplay shares with PlayMonster a common philosophy of the importance of play, as well as a passion for creating high-quality, enduring products at affordable prices. We have incredible respect for what the PlayMonster team has been building, and we are looking forward to expanding our brands into North America and beyond.”

Bob Wann attributes the success of Interplay to its founder, Ross Ainsworth, who has nurtured the company since its conception. “Ross’s passion, creative excellence and team of employees are what got Interplay to where it is today, and it will be an honor to take his vision the next level,” said Wann.


About PlayMonster LLC

Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun and quality products, such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti® and “TOTY Doll of the Year” Wonder Crew®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Relative InsanityTM, Farkle, Super Spinner®, Mirari®, Kid O®, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Marbleocity® and Automoblox® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.


About Interplay UK Ltd.

Interplay has been established for 20 years in the UK and is a multi-award-winning company positioned at the quality end of the toy market, specializing in developing and marketing innovative toys and gifts. A product-lead company with a passion for creating high-quality kits at affordable prices and striving for nothing less than the best for customers, Interplay designs popular in-house brands such as My Fairy Garden®, FabLab®, Fuzzikins Craft®, My Mermaid Lagoon®, CraftBox® My Living World® and myStyle®.


Lisa Wuennemann                                    Janis Van Tine  / Sarah Gumina
PlayMonster LLC                                      GennComm for PlayMonster LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 1275                         (818) 839-1461                    /
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7384 Stinkypig Pkg


Recognized for Its Adorably Amusing Pig Character, Charming Song and Hilarious “Tooting” Sounds, Stinky Pig is a Favorite with Kids and Families!

BELOIT, Wis. (March 12, 2018) – PlayMonster is happy to announce that another one of its games, Stinky Pig®, has reached one million in units sold and continues to be a favorite quick-playing kids’ game!

Poke Stinky Pig’s belly to hear him sing, and then roll the die to see which way to pass him. Do it fast…pass him left, pass him right, roll again…but hurry before he…toots! If you’re holding Stinky Pig when he passes gas, you must take a token. But then keep playing…quickly…and the player with the fewest tokens in the end wins! Stinky Pig is for two or more players, ages 6 and up.

“Not many games get the honor of reaching the pivotal one-million mark,” says Scott Flynn, PlayMonster’s VP of Sales & Marketing and Chief Fun Monster. “Stinky Pig has always made us laugh, and we’re thrilled that retailers and consumers love it as much as we do!”

Sold in over 15 countries worldwide, Stinky Pig definitely engages a wide audience! The funny pig can be found in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Sweden, Australia, Italy, South Africa, and many more countries.

At an MSRP of $12.99, Stinky Pig makes a fun kids’ party game, birthday gift and Easter basket stuffer! It can be found where great games are sold!

About PlayMonster LLC

Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun products such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti® and “TOTY Doll of the Year” Wonder Crew®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Mirari®, Farkle, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Automoblox®, Marbleocity®, Kid O® and Super Spinner® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.

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Lisa Wuennemann                                    Janis Van Tine  / Sarah Gumina
PlayMonster LLC                                      GennComm for PlayMonster LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 1275                         (818) 839-1461                    /
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5940 008 E1531227527880


For the First Time, a Doll Created for Boys Wins Doll of the Year

March 7, 2018, BELOIT, Wis. – The toy world just became more inclusive, as Wonder Crew® from PlayMonster clinched a historic Doll of the Year Award. This marks the first time ever that a doll created specifically to address the developmental needs of the whole child – especially boys – has won the prestigious honor. The acknowledgement from The Toy Association’s recent Toy of the Year Awards (TOTY), was the second consecutive TOTY Award for PlayMonster, and topped an exciting week for the Beloit-based company.

Created by mom and psychotherapist, Laurel Wider, Wonder Crew is turning the table on the conversation about gender stereotypes and toys, which has largely been focused on giving girls more play options. After her son came home from preschool one day and announced that “boys aren’t supposed to cry,” Wider set out to create a toy that allows boys to connect emotionally.  What better way to help our young boys embrace their emotions than with a buddy that combines action and adventure with friendship and nurturing. The 15″ Wonder Crew buddies launched on Kickstarter and quickly drew praise from parents and media alike. Wider earned an invitation to the White House to speak, alongside industry giants like Mattel and Lego, during a conference on breaking stereotypes in media and toys. In 2016 PlayMonster aligned with Wonder Crew to bring this important toy to the world.

“It’s been incredibly humbling to stand side-by-side other nominees, but to win is beyond our wildest dreams,” said Wider. “A huge thanks to our fans and to PlayMonster for helping us send a new message to all kids, one that says yes, you can be kind, caring, nurturing, emotional and adventurous, strong, creative and more – a message that that moves beyond gender stereotypes and encourages all aspects of their identity. “

Part of the magic of Wonder Crew is that accessories are included for the child and doll to dress alike and go on adventures together. The crew, available now, includes four diverse buddies, Will, Marco, James and Erik, with each one dressed in superhero gear, complete with matching mask and cape for kids. Additional Adventure Packs are sold separately, and include outfits for the buddies and matching accessories for kids in themes of Builder, Explorer and Snuggler.

 “It has been incredibly exciting to see parents and children respond to Wonder Crew, and such a rewarding year for our company, with PlayMonster earning six TOTY nominations for Automoblox, Ultra Dash, Mirari Juballees, Mirari Shellby, My Fairy Garden and Wonder Crew,” said Bob Wann, Chief PlayMonster. “This groundbreaking Doll of the Year win for Wonder Crew, despite the fact that a doll for boys has never been acknowledged, validates that toy makers need to think outside the toy box to give options for all kids to play, grow and learn. Our entire team is beyond proud of this accomplishment.”

PlayMonster received its first-ever win last year with Yeti in My Spaghetti® for Game of the Year. Previously, the company earned several TOTY finalist distinctions. PlayMonster was founded as Patch Products in 1985, and changed its branding and company name in 2016 to PlayMonster to better reflect the company’s continued commitment to provide high-quality classic play for all ages.

Often referred to as the “Oscars” of the toy industry, more than 600 toys and games were submitted for Toy of the Year Award consideration last fall by companies of all sizes; category finalists, announced in November, were selected by play experts, retailers, academics and journalists who sit on the TOTY judging committee. Category winners were selected based on votes from toy retailers, media, Toy Association members and consumers.

About PlayMonster LLC

Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun products such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti® and “TOTY Doll of the Year” Wonder Crew®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Mirari®, Farkle, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Automoblox®, Marbleocity®, Kid O® and Super Spinner® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.

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Lisa Wuennemann                       Sarah Gumina 
Lisa Wuennemann                                    Janis Van Tine  / Sarah Gumina
PlayMonster LLC                                      GennComm for PlayMonster LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 1275                         (818) 839-1461                    /
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7441 Relativeinsanitybox E1531227583145


Relative Insanity Features Comedian Jeff Foxworthy’s Relatable Humor About Crazy Family Members and Unpredictable Situations

BELOIT, Wis. (March 1, 2018) – PlayMonster is thrilled to partner with Jeff Foxworthy and produce his comical new game Relative InsanityTM.

The laugh-out-loud party game uses bits of Foxworthy material that mix and match to create wacky situations that families and friends will love! Everyone has a crazy friend or family member (or two or three…) and can totally relate to this game’s hilarious situations and humor!

“There are a few certainties in life. One of them is everybody’s relatives are crazy,” Foxworthy said. “You can let them make you nuts too, or you can learn to just laugh about it. I prefer laughter every time!”

In Relative Insanity, one player will read a set-up card, such as “While walking past my sister’s bedroom, I heard her say…” and the other players will decide which of their punch-line cards they want to play. So maybe you’d end up with these statements:

1.    Sometimes I think orphans are so lucky

2.    Hell yeah they’re real!

3.    It’s not my fault! It just popped out!

4.    I think there was weed in the brownies!

5.    Give him a break, he just got out of jail

6.    Take a picture of that and send it to me


The reader then gets to choose their favorite punch line, and the owner of that card gets a point!

Inspired by the insanity of his own family and friends, Foxworthy created the game with laughter in mind. When he played it during a Thanksgiving gathering, Foxworthy said, “The results were beyond anything I could have hoped for.  We laughed until we cried and a few people might have even peed… just a little bit. Enjoy!”

Sometimes the punch lines you’re holding don’t really seem to match up, but that could make them even better…or insane! Relative Insanity includes 100 set-up situation cards and 400 punch-line response cards, so game play is never the same! For 4 to 12 players, ages 14+. PlayMonster will be bringing the game to retail for a suggested price of $19.99.

Jeff Foxworthy is one of the most respected and successful comedians in the country. He is the largest selling comedy-recording artist in history, a multiple Grammy Award nominee and best-selling author of 11 books. Widely known for his Blue Collar Comedy Tour and redneck jokes, his act goes well beyond that to explore the humor in everyday family interactions and human nature.

About PlayMonster LLC

Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun products such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti® and “TOTY Doll of the Year” Wonder Crew®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Mirari®, Farkle, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Automoblox®, Marbleocity®, Kid O® and Super Spinner® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.

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Lisa Wuennemann                                    Janis Van Tine  / Sarah Gumina
PlayMonster LLC                                      GennComm for PlayMonster LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 1275                         (818) 839-1461                    /
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6946 Drtblow E1531227629494


Don’t Rock the Boat has a Wave-Riding Pirate Ship, Pirate Penguins and Some Wacky Mateys, All Coming Together to Make One Exciting Game!


BELOIT, Wis. (February 17, 2018) – PlayMonster LLC knows what kids like: Action and fun characters! PlayMonster’s new kids’ game is full of awesome and funny characters, and game play is all about skill and action!

In Don’t Rock the Boat, you better Balance Yer Mateys, or Overboard Ye Go! Players take turns setting pirate pieces on the teetering pirate ship, trying not to upset the balance. The player who makes the boat tip and pieces fall off is a landlubber!

The fun is in the characters and 16 playing pieces (pirate penguins, octopus, treasure and more!), and the excitement is in the suspense! It’s a quick game that kids love playing over and over! No batteries required. It’s a great game for ages 5+, and will hit shelves in spring 2018 for an SRP of $24.99.


About PlayMonster LLC

Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun products such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti® and “TOTY Doll of the Year” Wonder Crew®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Mirari®, Farkle, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Automoblox®, Marbleocity®, Kid O® and Super Spinner® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.

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Lisa Wuennemann                                    Janis Van Tine  / Sarah Gumina
PlayMonster LLC                                      GennComm for PlayMonster LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 1275                         (818) 839-1461                    /
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Leading game and toy company seizes hot laugh-out-loud party game


February 17, 2018 – BELOIT, Wis. –PlayMonster LLC is adding to its award-winning game portfolio with the acquisition of Utter Nonsense!®, The Hilarious Accent Game. Originally launched on Kickstarter before hitting  Target shelves, the laugh-out-loud game that combines silly accents or voices with even sillier phrases is one of the most talked about party games today, and is now available in two editions, Utter Nonsense: Family Edition and Utter Nonsense: Naughty Edition for players 17 and up.

“We have been watching in awe at the popularity of Utter Nonsense,” said Bob Wann, Chief PlayMonster of PlayMonster LLC. “It’s one of those games that has taken pop culture fandom by storm, and we’re thrilled to add it to our fast growing core games business,”

PlayMonster will showcase Utter Nonsense!, The Hilarious Accent Game at booth #435 during the North American International Toy Fair in New York, February 17‒20, 2018.

“It’s hard to believe what started out as an idea in a bar just four years ago has gone on to be enjoyed by so many,” said co-creator Tim Swindle. “We’re excited to hand the baton to the industry veterans at PlayMonster, and are confident they will further extend the popularity and retail presence of Utter Nonsense.”

In Utter Nonsense!, players take turns assuming “Nonsense Judge” duties in each round, dealing seven Phrase Cards to each player and revealing an Accent Card from the top of the deck. Each player chooses a Phrase Card in their hand that works best with the featured Accent Card for the zaniest combination and reads it aloud. The Nonsense Judge determines whose “performance” was the funniest to take the win. Once a player wins five rounds, he or she wins the game.

The Accent Cards aren’t what you might expect, and include Pirate, Whisper, Side Mouth Talker, News Anchor, Robot and more! Imagine hearing, “Either Fido isn’t housebroken or we need to have a talk with grandpa,” in an over-the-top stuffy nose voice!

Each edition includes 50 Accent Cards and 450 Phrase Cards, with a suggested retail price of $24.99.


About PlayMonster LLC

Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun products such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Mirari®, Farkle, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Wonder Crew®, Automoblox® and Marbleocity® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.


Lisa Wuennemann                                    Janis Van Tine  / Sarah Gumina
PlayMonster LLC                                      GennComm for PlayMonster LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 1275                         (818) 839-1461                    /
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Molukbilibo Racecar Scaled


Toy of the Year Winner Bilibo®, among others, to be distributed by Wisconsin-based toy company


February 16, 2018 – BELOIT, Wis. – In its latest deal, PlayMonster LLC has been granted immediate US distribution rights to MOLUK®, a design-led Swiss brand, developing creative play objects that are powered simply by a child’s imagination. The MOLUK line includes the multi-award winning Bilibo®, widely regarded as one of the most innovative and versatile open-ended toys, as well as the Pluï® Rain Cloud and Oogi® figure toys.

“We love MOLUK toys because they are uniquely designed to be all about ‘open-ended’ play, where a child’s imagination and creativity determines the limitless and diverse ways they can play with the toy,” said Bob Wann, Chief PlayMonster of PlayMonster LLC. “Also, MOLUK toys are a perfect strategic fit with our Mirari and Lauri lines, as well as our latest acquired brand, Kid O, to further expand our high-quality play offering in the infant/preschool and learning and development categories. We’re thrilled to be the domestic distribution partner for this ingenious company.”

“PlayMonster is ideally positioned to take MOLUK to the next level in the US,” said Alex Hochstrasser, the designer and founder of MOLUK. “Bob and his team have incredible expertise and relationships in the toy industry. They share our passion for great toys and understand the importance of open-ended play which inspires creativity and imagination in children and makes a positive, lasting difference in their lives.”

MOLUK toys get kids moving and exploring, stimulating their senses and minds. The brand is best known for Bilibo, the 2010 Toy of the Year winner in the Preschool category. Bilibo’s iconic shell shape and bright colors immediately appeal to children, arousing curiosity, engaging the imagination and playfully training basic motor skills and balance. 

The popular Pluï Rain Cloud illustrates the cycle of water and magically turns kids into little rainmakers with just the touch of a finger. Plus, it’s easy to clean!

 Oogi is a highly tactile and expressive new figure toy made of silicone rubber. With suction cup head, hands and feet, and long stretchy arms, it connects to any smooth surface. Oogi invites children to explore and experiment – and, unlike traditional dolls for girls and action figures for boys, Oogi is gender neutral and fun for all ages.


About PlayMonster LLC

Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun products such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Mirari®, Farkle, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Wonder Crew®, Automoblox® and Marbleocity® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.


Lisa Wuennemann                                    Janis Van Tine  / Sarah Gumina
PlayMonster LLC                                      GennComm for PlayMonster LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 1275                         (818) 839-1461                    /
Posted on


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Innovative Toy Further Bolsters PlayMonster’s Outdoor & Creative Play Offerings


February 15, 2018 – BELOIT, Wis. –PlayMonster LLC announced today it has acquired the worldwide license for Walkie Chalk®, the innovative sidewalk chalk holder that empowers kids and adults to “Stand Up & Draw!”®

Walkie Chalk is an easy-to-assemble, three-piece writing wand that provides a totally new experience with sidewalk chalk for kids and adults of all ages. The patented design, made with child-safe materials, holds any standard-sized chalk, round or square, allowing chalk artists to let their creativity shine by being able to move around while they draw. Walkie Chalk helps outdoor imagination flow from a different perspective while also saving parents and grandparents sore knees and backs.

“We are always on the lookout for brilliant ideas that bring out the best of classic play, and Walkie Chalk is a prime example,” said Bob Wann, Chief PlayMonster of PlayMonster LLC. “It’s the latest product in our outdoor product line, following last year’s acquisition of Super Spinner.”

Wann added, “We also love that it was invented by parents who saw a problem and solved it, and then tested it over and over with kids and parents alike. It subsequently proved to be a big success at retail, too!”

“After having surgery, we were looking for a better way to draw with chalk on our driveway because I couldn’t get on  the ground,” said Shauna Damman, Walkie Chalk Co-Owner. “In a light-bulb moment, I grabbed a broken rake handle and zip-tied a piece of chalk to it… and the idea for Walkie Chalk was born.”

“It was important to us to make it safe and very simple for kids to use,” said Matt Damman, Walkie Chalk’s Co-Owner and Inventor, “We didn’t anticipate adults and special needs individuals loving it too, but they do!”

Available in four colors, the Walkie Chalk sidewalk chalk holders are adjustable in length from 24 to 36 inches long. Priced at $13.99, they hold most standard sidewalk chalk round or square, and each package includes two chalk pieces.

About PlayMonster LLC

Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun products such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Mirari®, Farkle, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Wonder Crew®, Automoblox® and Marbleocity® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.


Lisa Wuennemann                                    Janis Van Tine  / Sarah Gumina
PlayMonster LLC                                      GennComm for PlayMonster LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 1275                         (818) 839-1461                    /
Posted on


Kidomagnatab Az 001 E1531227767534


Developmental and Educational Toddler & Preschool Products
 Appeal to Discerning Consumer 


February 14, 2018 – BELOIT, Wis. –PlayMonster, LLC continues to broaden its portfolio of toys that provide great play for all ages, with the acquisition of the multi-brand, developmental and educational toddler and preschool lines fromKid O Toys.

Featuring a distinct modern look with classic play patterns, Kid O’s deep product assortment  promotes creativity, encourages discovery, and includes a diverse array of products that span preschool, educational, music, vehicles, travel, water and building. Founded in 2004, Kid O toys has grown from a small retail shop in New York City to an international toy manufacturer with distributors in over 35 countries.

From baby toys that encourage exploration and development of gross motor skills, to items that improve toddler’s hand-eye coordination, to products that provide a sensory-driven reinforcement for learning the ABCs, each product is thoughtfully designed with lots of opportunities to explore built right in. The toys engage and stimulate children again and again with a rich variety of shapes, colors and sizes, so the possibilities for open- ended, creative play are limitless.

“Kid O has an incredible line and an impressive global presence,” said Bob Wann, Chief PlayMonster of PlayMonster LLC. “Its distinct, timeless designs and sense of discovery  complement our Mirari infant and toddler line, as well as the Lauri educational line. We’re thrilled to add it to our preschool and education segment, and overall PlayMonster portfolio.”

“My first son’s natural curiosity sparked my imagination, and Kid O was born,” said Lisa Mahar, founder of Kid O Toys. “Using my architectural training, I wanted to create toys that encouraged his discovery and exploration. “Fourteen years later, I am delighted PlayMonster will take the reins and continue the mission of helping kids make sense of the world around them.”

Kid O has also earned recognition for innovation and design excellence with numerous awards from educators, parents and industry experts including Dr. Toy, Parents Magazine, Tilywig Brain Child Award and Parent Tested/Parent Approved, among others.


About PlayMonster LLC

Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun products such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Mirari®, Farkle, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Wonder Crew®, Automoblox® and Marbleocity® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.



Lisa Wuennemann                                    Janis Van Tine  / Sarah Gumina
PlayMonster LLC                                      GennComm for PlayMonster LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 1275                         (818) 839-1461                    /