Sally May Baker
Patch Products, LLC
(800) 524-4263, ext. 241
“All In” Hits Shelves as Patch Products’ New Party Game
Game Nights will never be the same!
BELOIT, Wis.- Patch Products knows how to party…with games, that is! The new addition to their line of party games this year is already a big hit, providing hilarious times with friends and maybe family if it suits you!
All In® will give you the most exciting true/false situations you’ll ever experience! And you have no choice but to be All In, so be smart about where you place your chips because The Truth Can Cost Ya!TM Just sit back, get comfy, and listen to another player read a card statement, like “I have gone skinny-dipping,” “I have gotten into the wrong car by mistake,” or “I have stuck my finger up someone else’s nose.” Now, you can start sweating as you try to decide if it’s true or false! Choose wisely because the chips on the wrong answer will be lost! For three to six players, ages 17 to adult. So… are you #AllIn?
For more information on Patch and these great new items, visit patchproducts.com or call 1-800-524-4263.
Patch Products, LLC is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of games, children’s puzzles, preschool toys, creative activities and teaching tools, with focus on innovation and growth of brands and categories. Top-selling brands include 5 Second Rule®, Perplexus®, Don’t Rock the BoatTM, Farkle, The Game of THINGS…®, Chrono Bomb®, OK to Wake!®, Mirari®, Buzzword®, Stratego®, Lauri® and Wooly Willy®.