With a Never-Before-Seen Live Action Game and a Natural (but Hilarious) Extension of the Relative Insanity Brand, PlayMonster is Raising the Bar on Party Games
BELOIT, Wis. (February 22, 2020) — A leader in the game aisle, PlayMonster is stepping things up once again with a revolutionary new type of party game, as well as a picture-perfect extension to their widely popular Relative Insanity game. Preview these games at North American International Toy Fair in New York, February 22 – 25 at booth #435.
TAG™ combines the thrill and suspense of an elimintion game with the creativity and freedom of real-time competition to bring Live Action Gaming to the game aisle for the first time. There’s no sitting down at a table and playing nice—it’s an on-going game of trying to eliminate other players so you’re the last one! Each player is assigned a color identification, and gets a target and a method. For example, your target may be “blue” and your method card may indicate that you have to eliminate them by tricking them into standing under your method card. So, you may wedge it into the top of a door frame and call them into the room, causing them to pause in the doorway, and a-ha! You have successfully eliminated them! “Blue” is now out of the game and hands over their target and method so you now have new ones! This game can take hours, days or weeks—it depends on where you’re playing and who you’re playing with. It’s great for college campuses, offices, family vacations and more! For up to 10 players, ages 14+.
Relative Insanity® See What I Mean?!™ is the newest addition to the hilarious brand made and played by comedian Jeff Foxworthy! In this game, you now have photos—crazy ones that you’d see in family albums or posted online by relatives—and you play cards that caption those photos! Captions are written by Jeff Foxworthy, so you know they’ll be funny! There are even a few photos of Foxworthy himself in the game! It’s fun for 4 to 12 players, ages 14+.
About PlayMonster LLC
Beloit, WI-based PlayMonster is a toy and game company that believes in the power of play to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Delivering great play value by designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative, fun products such as “TOTY Game of the Year” Yeti in My Spaghetti® and “TOTY Doll of the Year” Wonder Crew®, along with other award-winning toys and games like The Game of THINGS…®, 5 Second Rule®, Relative Insanity®, Mirari®, Farkle, SET® games, OK to Wake!®, My Fairy Garden®, Automoblox®, Marbleocity®, Kid O® and Super Spinner® is how PlayMonster helps keep play alive for all ages.
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For More Information, Please Contact:
Lisa Wuennemann Jonathan Siemens
PlayMonster LLC Director, Marketing and Communications – ChizComm
(800) 524-4263 x1275 (416) 551-0822 x330
lisaw@playmonster.com jsiemens@chizcomm.com